Wu-Tang Clan's Old Dirty Bastard (ODB, Big Baby Jesus) was a big inspiration for GhettoVampire - so now they give BBJ thanks by presenting their cover of the hit song Shimmy Shimmy Ya! Remixed, remastered and re-videoed!
Want it? GhettoVampire's new album, Sacrilicious, comes out October 11, 2024 - just in time for Halloween!
Also coming - merch! Seriously. It is coming. Soon.
#industrialmusicvideo #wutangclan #hiphop #numetal #urbanindustrial #darkweb #horrorshorts #weird #ODB #olddirtybastard #methodman #alternativemusic #darkindustrial #electronicmusic #90s #halloween #metal #industrialmetalmusic #industrialrock