So long story short the board auto adjust its voltage to the lowest possible voltage, when I first got the board the stress test from CPU-Z would take it up to 1.38v and after days of stress test it took it down to 1.18v mobo bios is F2 everything is stock other than changing XMP enable to run DDR4 at 3600Mhz at its rated speed.
I wanted to break in my Corsair H150 Pro RGB so the thermal paste would spread evenly at high temps and then tighten up screws.
Thermal Pastes: Artic Silver 5
Corsair 500D RGB
Gigabyte Aorus Z390 Extreme
Asus GTX 1080 Ti Strix
Seasonic Prime 850 PSU
Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 32GB at 3600MHz
Samsung 970 EVO 500GB - NVMe