rousing and exuberant tribal summonings from Russia. an eerie yet enticing atmosphere permeates the album, while the large ensemble results in a thickly-layered sound-realm. ideal music for roaming through the wilderness... but please, watch your step! xD
i hope you enjoy this unique transmission from the East.
composition, percussion, flute, vocals by Андрей Лавриненко (Andrey Lavrinenko)
lyrics, composition, programming, acoustic guitar, vocals, keboards by Борис Бардаш (Boris Bardash)
percussion, vocals by Екатерина Сидорова (Ekaterina Sidorova)
electric guitar, acoustic guitar by Георгий Стариков (Georgy Starikov)
banjo by Игорь Каим (Igor Kaim)
percussion by Дмитрий Борисов & Павел Литвинов (Dmitry Borisov & Pavel Litvinov)
cello by Пётр Акимов (Petr Akimov)
bassoon by Александр Фролов (Alexander Frolov)
00:00 Запара
08:07 Таароа
12:20 Анкаракарачи
17:52 Арба
22:35 На горке я один
24:19 Степь
28:31 Друг Говинда
34:23 Все правильно
38:38 Хорошие волны
44:00 Ворон
51:59 Имя
59:02 Тает
01:03:05 Коран
#ОлеЛукойе #olelukkoye #lukkoye #ole #Оле #Лукойе #tribal #tribalmusic #ritual #ritualambient #ritualmusic #ИгорьКаим #АндрейЛавриненко #БорисБардаш #ЕкатеринаСидорова
#ПётрАкимов #ДмитрийБорисов #ПавелЛитвинов #ГеоргийСтариков #andreylavrinenko #borisbardash #igorkaim #petrakimov #alexanderfrolov #ekaterinasidorova #georgystarikov #pavellitimov #dmitryborisov #russianmusic #steppemusic #russiansteppe #russiantribal #russiantribalmusic #russiansteppemusic #russianexperimentalmusic #russianavantgarde #hexentanz #trancetothesun #iremofpillars #oyukiconjugate #rakshamancham #geomantic #lifegarden #voiceofeye #trum #megaptera #vasilisk #zoataon #bloodbox #fjernlys #byronmetcalf #steveroach #davidparsons #yenpox #koraiorom #pranacrafter #themagiccarpathiansproject #incredibleexpandingmindfuck #anahita #wyldwyzrdz #jananderzen #thefrozenborderline #peonies #deathchants #rutsubo #visitations #keijihaino #sitaartah #oceloterojo #thepistilcosmos #wovenskull #hevoset #normaomalley #imjahrtal #princeramaofayodhya #halastrana #knievsovresistance #chrstinacarter #miketamburo #planktonwat #sandsnowman #brothersoftheoccultsisterhood #latelykindofyeah #ofwondrouslegends #tirathsinghnirmala #karpatymagiczne #woodenveil #drumensembledubeat #isengrind #theghostandswiftmoths #arisu #voiceofthesevenwoods #gabrielaraujo #squaremasses #cassowaries #oxbloodreincarnations #musicadispersa #goodbyetoulouse #voeero #sendmedicine #moonwood #pocahaunted #lamazonramarkestra #eddiecallahan #alexmonk #jjangocleefworthmorriconez #robustworlds #ogikuboconnection #forlunardust #yodship #themuons #dopo #thelostdomain #shelterdog #orchestraofcardboard #larrycarlson #emotioncode #semya #masakibatoh #woodsfamilycreeps #horsehaireverywhere #nowherewood #goldenbrown #kemiallisetystävät #islandseyelids #charalambides #waxmachine #richardyoungs #noanoa #vonhimmel #altareagle #kgbman #thirdearband #barnowl #mattvalentine #earzumba #maniacsdream #cottonwoodfiringsquad #eternalzio #spatialmoods #mountainhood #jpsunshine #rogersellers #thenewtweedybrothers #quintaldeclorofila #brianellis #jordanisland #erikaelder #zanoides #incognitadepartement #negrabranca #highwattelectrocutions #donfalcone #hesiusdome #kwjaz #theoneensemble #fantastikoihxoi #operaloki #thomasmeragartz #beardedseals #fatheryodf #yahowa13 #minketingley #ughgod #randyrice #princessflower #vibracathedralorchestra #discolor #kencamden #magicbeach #copycatmassacre #triptones #weremute #lowrhahn #kimdoosoo #hiawatha