another unduly neglected gem conveyed from the remarkable mind of Rothe. the variety in his small yet spectacular discography is well worth further aural assessment & sonic scrutiny - every release is a world unto itself, yet there's still a clearly discernable through-line, as if each album represented a different stage of one particular life. i hope you enjoy it!
all music by Walter Christian Rothe.
00:00 Another Leaf
03:20 Dangerous Run
04:44 Under a Secret Tree
06:22 C 4
09:39 Sahara Dust
13:14 Nightmoves
18:10 Unknown Destination
25:17 Still Alive
29:51 Oriental Ghost
#walterchristianrothe #walter #christian #rothe #walterrothe #christianrothe #nightmoves #rochenightmoves #polanrequiem #onenightinparis #thestoryofalice #zebra #rothezebra #alice #rothealice #solitude #rothesolitude #rothesecrets #progressiveelectronic #kosmische #basementsynth #synthesisermusic #synthersizermusic #80ssynth #80ssynthmusic #minimalsynth #coldwave #darkwave #dungeonsynth #klausschulze #ojas #ojasmusic #ronboots #mikebrooks #ashratempel #ashra #manuelgottsching #rudigerlorenz #kluster #cluster #hansjoachimroedelius #petenamlook #jyl #ensemblepittoresque #informatics #adnckrystall #sympathynervous #ceramichello #96eyes #baskingsharks #experimentalproducts #xex #runesorder #ixohoxi #donslepian #smnurse #kymamps #peterschaefer #peterschafer #taracross #marklane #xquadrat #popolvuh #newcomposers #gelatinouscitizen #benegesserit #lightwave #duotronicsynterror #mekanikkommando #viridiangreen #jeffjanehudson #jeffandjanehudson #robertslap #cargocultus #thoseattractivemagnets #eurocheque #ohama #landofgiants #amimarie #richardbone #emeraldweb #schaltkreiswassermann #circuit7 #toneset #instantmusic #vitanoctis #shoccorridor #ianelms #lamaison #ronberry #johnbender #transparentillusion #judgementofparis #poemeelectronique #vankaye #ignit #ninabelief #tranquileyes #lisfrank #peppermintlounge #icetherainfalling #andiarroganti #philippelaurent #humanpuppets #nounauthorized #1000ohm #schleimerk #virgincircus #pseudocode #emak #modernjazz #diewerkpiloten #centralunit #monoton #heute #opusfinis #bluemathue #themetronomes #jeunessedivoire #staccatodumal #andieoppenheimer #moderne #moderneband #thenaughtiestgirlwasamonitor #zska #zskaband #incubatedsounds #cinema90 #perfectvision #gorillaaktiv #intelligencedept #nearparis #diekunftigemusikant #vitorhublot #christofglowalla #sudetencreche #innergaze #psychicyouth #noia #noiaband #hystericapassio #echowest #njurmannen #carolinek #makinagirgir #rupertchappelle #endofyourgarden #gleitzeit #keineahnung #polyphonicsize #intrance95 #metropakt #titho #tithoband #ukviva #grafzyx #kuruki #diegesunden #nagamatzu #fixandfertig #billbruce #themisz #thefalloutclub #solitudefx #interaccion #bizarreleidenschaft #innamendesvolkes #ausgangverboten #partrickdmartin