Clap Along Quarter Notes and Quarter Rests is a level 1, easy clap along video that will help you to improve and even master your quarter note clapping. (of course to master your clap along rhythm, you will need to clap along multiple times, not just once.)
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Rhythm Practice Level 1 is for beginners, so if that is you, LET'S START! Before you can master playing rhythms on an instrument, you need to make sure that you can feel the beat, and clap along to simple rhythms. In this video we are just working on quarter notes and quarter rests. That's it! It's just QUARTER NOTES AND QUARTER RESTS! That is why it is so simple. This is why you should start here.
Rhythm clapping will help you to feel the beat well. This beginner clap along will help you feel more confident when you play your instrument and see similar rhythms. MAke sure that you are clapping along with me in this Rhythm Practice Quarter Notes and Quarter REsts! If you do not clap along with me, you will not find this video to be as useful, and YOU WON'T IMPROVE! But if you clap along with me, I promise, you will get better at feeling the beat and feeling these rhythms! Good luck! I know that you can do this!
What to watch NEXT:
If you are already more advanced in rhythm clap alongs, you can check out some of the more advanced rhythms here.
Rhythm practice in Simple Meter:
Clap Along Dotted Rhythms:
Rhythm Practice 8th Notes:
Clap Along Sixteenth Notes:
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