here’s an ambient jungle track created in renoise using internal plugins and some cheap and free external plugins. A lot of the atmospheric sounds were created with one of the best VST romplers you can get: AIR Xpand2... which is an ABSOLUTE steal since it's almost always available for $10 somewhere (AIR synths are incredibly underrated).
another set of plugins that everyone should download is the airwindows collection, which are absolutely amazing and coded by a DSP legend @airwindows . you can use airwindows mackEQ and mackity plugins to nail that 90s mackie jungle sound in the box!
other external plugins used: Valhalla Supermassive and XLN DS-10.
This track is available on [OMNI104] Arcologies - Vanishing Point LP
check out the tracker album on Spotify!
Download all of my tracks for free on my bandcamp:
instagram: @arcologies