anyway, the point is... actually i really couldn't say. nonetheless, i hope you enjoy this scintillating simulacrum of soul-soothing space.
rest in peace, Pete Namlook (1960-2012). you will never fade away.
tracks 1 & 4 by Pete Namlook & DJ Criss
track 2 by Pete Namlook & Peter Prochir
tracks 3 & 10 by Pete Namlook
track 5 & 11 by Pete Namlook & Dr. Atmo
track 6 & 7 by Pete Namlook & Pascal F.E.O.S.
track 8 by Pete Namlook & Maik Maurice
track 9 by Pete Namlook & Hubertus Held
00:00 Identification
05:02 Mordor
09:10 Je suis Triste et Seule ici
16:46 Duane Sky
22:12 Trip to Polaris
29:16 Subconscious Memory
34:02 70s Beauty
35:48 Light
43:43 Live at XS 1
58:35 Jugoslavia
01:07:47 Sweet Angels
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