A while back I bought a Yamaha QX21 at a local Music Go Round as something fun to mess with. It's an UBER-basic Midi-sequencer from the mid-80's. As in UBER-basic. Working with it is more akin to working with a 4-track tape recorder than your typical Midi sequencer that you saw in the years afterward. But... well, sometimes it's those weird limitations that help spark creativity you know?
Thus, randomly I decided to actually attempt to make a little song on the thing, using the QX21 to sequence my trusty Korg Volca Bass as well as my Yamaha PSS-480. Combine that with a Yamaha RX11 I recently bought and you have yourself some simple cheesy synthwave!
The Nerdy Details:
-- The Yamaha QX21 is sequencing the Korg Volca Bass (which is playing the lead line) and Yamaha PSS-480 (the bass part) via Midi.
-- The RX11 is being clocked by the QX21, but it's not being sequenced by it. It is playing it's own internal rhythms via its song mode.
-- The Volca Bass is being run through a Zoom G1On multi-FX pedal, giving it some delay and chorus.
-- The RX11 has a little bit of reverb added to it courtesy of a Behringer RV600
-- The PSS-480 is running through a Behringer noise reducer pedal but has no actual effects on it
-- All are mixed via a small mixer, recorded by my Tascam DR-05, limited slightly in Audacity, and... that's it!