Before long, the ritual of fiddling in particular proved powerful. The fiddle can heal the sick, inspire the downcast, compel the dead to dance, or in some cases, start many a bloody brawl. The range of music’s power was, and is, like no other of this world.
Troldskab - troll magic - is an homage to this forgotten legacy of exchange between man and spirit world, from a time when music and magic were one.
"Vår eldste slektninger
Kan vi danse igjen
Som vi gjorde is dager for lenge siden
Ikke alle ov oss har glemt den gamle måtene
released September 20, 2024
Album Art: Alyssa Foster
Hardingfele (Långdans): Nicolette Andres
Jaw Harp/Munnharpe: Chris Welsh of Sun and Moon Dance
0:00 Troldskab
2:39 Nissepols
4:35 Nøkkevals
6:52 Troldhaugen
10:54 Trolmarsj
14:12 Innkalling
16:59 Hårgalåten
20:49 Hiraeth
23:39 Lokk
30:44 Bergtatt
34:41 The Spriggan (feat. Sun and Moon Dance)
39:10 Långdans fra Sollerön
42:02 Huldra Reel