I don’t usually make a video on why I made a video. This time I felt it was important. I felt some people might question why I made ISLAM IS GONE, which you can see here: The short answer: ISLAM MADE ME DO IT. Another impetus: I heard the words in my head: ISLAM IS GONE. Why did I hear those words, you may wonder. Islam gave me no other good option that I could discover, after much investigation into the ideology and history of Islam. It’s an ideology I cannot support - no male female equality, no gay rights, no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, etc. Also, it claims to be unchangeable, perfect. On top of that, it wants to take over the world in a Caliphate. Not a viable option for those of us who believe in male female equality, gay rights, no slavery, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, etc. So why not reform Islam? The punishment is death. Again, not a viable option. That brought me to the only other option: no more Islam.
So why did I make ISLAM IS GONE? The answer: ISLAM MADE ME DO IT. Because then we have no sharia, no fatwas, no taqiyya, no killing of apostates by Islamics, no Islamic persecution of Christians, Hindus, Jews, Yazikis, atheists, Buddhists, and on. We can have male female equality and gay rights. We can end slavery and sex slavery, both accepted within Islam. We can have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. So much fear of offending Islam will be gone. In fact, ISLAM IS GONE offers a third choice, outside the choices offered by Islam. Those choices are unacceptable to anyone who is for the human rights accepted in the West. So again, here is the potentially controversial video. It came about as a celebration of the end to unacceptable choices. It offers a third choice: ISLAM IS GONE:
Both videos, the full lyrics, plus further resources on Islam, are together at: