00:00- Follow up/update
01:07- You've talked a lot about your spiritual journey but what about your husband's? Was he a New Ager like yourself? Does he like theology too? How'd you two meet?
02:03- I serve as a teacher of the teenagers in my local church. We discussed Bible stories that seem hard to believe. How do we approach such a sensitive topic without in any way discrediting the authority of scripture?
08:26- Why did God allow the ancient peoples’ children and David’s infant son to die for the sins of their ancestors despite that Scripture says that, in Deut. 24:16-“ Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.”
13:21- What should our takeaway be from the book of Job? That book has always bothered me, and even though I've been in church my entire life, I've never heard a good explanation of it.
28:41- I am struggling with the idea of doing "good" apart from God. I really do understand why people think that they don't need church or God to be "good" when there are others out there doing good works apart from the church and God. How do I reconcile this? How do I talk about this to my unbelieving friends?
● Wisdom on How to talk to people you don't agree with:
● The Attributes of God:
● What the Bible Says about love vs. the World's Love:
● Thoughts about Hell:
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