Once upon a time, in the magical land of Mushroom Kingdom, autumn had arrived in all its glory. The trees donned their vibrant coats of red, orange, and gold, while the crisp, cool air filled the land with a sense of enchantment. The residents of the Mushroom Kingdom eagerly anticipated the annual Autumn Festival, a celebration of the season's beauty and bounty.
However, in the darkest depths of Bowser's Castle, the notorious King of the Koopas had hatched a wicked plan. Bowser had always been jealous of the joyous celebrations and colors of the Mushroom Kingdom. He despised the way the citizens came together, and he couldn't stand the sight of the beautiful autumn foliage. So, he decided to steal the colors of autumn to cast a pall of eternal gloom over the land.
Help Mario accomplish some yoga and putting back all the colors of autumn in this Mario Run brain break! Inspired by Go Noodle, it is sure to please any kid who is wanting to get up and moving while having some fun. This could be used at home, in the classroom, really anywhere to get the wiggles out of kids!
0:08 Intro
0:25 Level 1
2:13 Level 2
3:53 Level 3
Love these types of videos but need them in Spanish or other languages? Check out the new channel, Descanso Mental, for brain breaks to meet the needs of everyone. We can all try to be more inclusive these days :)
Check out the Original Grinch Run - almost 7 MILLION views!
Check out the Grinch Dad Jokes Brain Break! SOOO funny!
Check out the Super Mario Winter Run!
Check out Escape into Winter! Olaf Run!
Check out my other runs to keep everyone active!
Turning Red Run
The Encanto Run
The Encanto Run - Spring Edition
Mario Back to School Run
The Birthday Run
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At Okay Lets Play, check out many creators like @coachcoreymartin, @CoachMegerFitnessGames , @PEwithCoachSmith , @pe_bowman , @TanziiTV , @RSDOnline , @BeWellPlayed , @PEwithMrG , @TeacherMisterAlonso and many many more! I strongly suggest you check out the PE Bowman, Coach Meger, Coach Smith, Tazii TV, RSD Online, Be Well Played, P.E. with Mr. G's, and Teacher Mister Alonso's Youtube Channels for ALL of their content!
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