"Eclipse" by Kuma Ashiato is an immersive journey into the dreamscape of trance music. Inspired by the vast realms of consciousness, this track invites listeners to drift through gentle beats and ethereal synths. Amid rhythmic waves and floating melodies, Overflown creates an atmosphere filled with longing and serenity. It blends classic trance elements with modern, atmospheric soundscapes, leading into a deeper layer of dreams. Sit back, close your eyes, and let Overflown carry you away—a perfect escape into a world that floats somewhere between reality and dreams.
#dreamtrance #KumaAshiato, #TranceMusic, #Overflown, #ChillTrance, #AtmosphericTrance, #ElectronicMusic, #Dreamscape, #RelaxingMusic, #AmbientVibes, #HypnoticSounds, #EtherealMusic, #TranceJourney, #ElectronicChill, #SpaceVibes, #MelodicTrance, #EmotionalBeats, #ChilloutMusic, #HypnoticBeats