In his hand is a "fiery stick", ready to strike the enemy of his people, whoever he is ... Wakan Tanka - in the guise of an eagle - keeps a warrior.
Warpaint on the face - in the form of lightning - is part of the vision. Even in his distant childhood, a warrior saw lightning. And the guardian spirit - the eagle (the leader of all heavenly beings) - promised him protection from enemy bullets.
Only one (well-known warrior and leader) has always demonstrated and tested the vision in action ...
His name was Tȟašúŋke Witkó[!
This is how his name sounds in his native language, the language of the Lakota tribe (the enemies called them Sioux).
''His-Horse-Is-Crazy'' - this name inspired fear and respect, both among the whites and among the tribes hostile to his people ...
Modesty and confidence in the protection of the Higher Forces were the main virtues of the great Lakota leader ...