In a candid interview on Andrew Schulz's Flagrant Podcast, 50 Cent delves into the dynamics between Drake and Kendrick Lamar, discussing why fans often criticize those at the top. He reflects on Kendrick's evolution from underdog to 'media darling' and shares his thoughts on Kendrick's Pulitzer Prize win, expressing both surprise and respect. Gain insight into 50 Cent's perspective on success, public perception, and the ever-evolving rap game.
Credits: Andrew Schulz's Flagrant Podcast
#50Cent, #Drake, #KendrickLamar, #PulitzerPrize, #HipHop, #RapGame, #MediaDarling, #MusicIndustry, #RapLegends, #Success, #FlagrantPodcast, #Shorts, #HipHopCulture, #RapDrama, #CandidTalk