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This video is a response to the backlash against a recent Abolish ICE protest, a backlash that came not from the right but from those broadly considered within the left. A popular criticism was that it’s wrong to have a protest about ICE at a time when so many are focused on Black Lives Matter.
There were leftists and Black Lives Matter supporters who voiced strong disagreement with this critique, but it's clearly a divided issue.
This is a troubling sign that many of us lack sufficient understanding of the value of solidarity – not just its ethical value, but its strategic value – and lack knowledge of the historical record of how a powerful mass-movement develops.
Movements for different issues are not in competition. On the contrary, they have the potential to strengthen each other. That’s what I argue in this video and I look at historical case studies of mass-movements in Egypt and France to support my point.
An injury to one is an injury to all. Our fates are connected, our struggles are connected, our oppressions are connected; we’re fighting different battles of the same fight.
(To skip the heart-wrenching intro, click here 2:41)
0:00 Intro
4:04 Backlash
6:38 Criticism & Response
10:53 Egypt
16:18 France
20:10 Conclusion
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Power to End Capitalism: The Case for Workplace Organizing
**Forced separation of children by ICE**
"The Separated: Trauma at the Border" The Atlantic
**US border patrol human rights abuses**
**France **
Ian Birchall, “France 1968: ‘All power to the imagination!’” Revolutionary Rehearsals, Colin Barker (ed.), Chicago: Haymarket Books, 1987.
Jacques Martin, “Two Uprisings.” The New Left: Legacy and Continuity, Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos (ed.), Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2007.
Solidarity Federation, Fighting for Ourselves, p.78
Rolf Werenskjold, “A Chronology of the Global 1968 Protest” p.165
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