Luke asks his only friends about a possible continuation of the show.
Before there was Spade, there were these guys.
Rickkid Adventures was a dumb show that no one liked, and this is pretty much a mockery of that. On top of this, I also made this to show how I’ve evolved as an animator since then, and I’m moderately proud of myself for what I’ve been able to accomplish. Modern Objects being such a huge success is definitely part of it, but it’s always good to look back on your failures and understand where you started.
Hope you enjoy this cringefest bye!
(FUN FACT: “A Wild Ride” was literally 13-14 year old me remaking an old scratch cartoon years ago, word for word, scene for scene. I hate it so, so much bro. I am humiliated by it, but for giggles and wiggles, it’s still up for all to see! J-just don’t get too carried away with it okay?)