Clay Jones is a Visiting Scholar for the MA in Christian Apologetics program at Talbot Seminary and the chairman of the board of Ratio Christi. He holds a Doctor of Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
00:52- Myth 1: Heaven Is Lonely—We Won’t Recognize Anyone
05:06- Myth 2: Heaven Is Hurtful—Too Many Painful Memories
11:00- Myth 3: Heaven Is Dreary—Full of Nerds and Prudes
13:20- Myth 4: Heaven Is Drab—Everything Is White
16:14- Myth 5: Heaven Is Less—No Taste, Touch, or Smell
21:35- Myth 6: Heaven Is Tedious—All We Will Do Is Sing
29:43- What is your position on NDE's/Near Death Experiences?
36:01- Are any NDE's actually authentic?
● Reincarnation, Heaven, and Near Death Experiences with Lee Strobel:
● Hell: Barbaric and Unjust or Just and Deserved?:
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