Just a quick one today, recently stumbled on the trick of using an analogue slope generator (in this case, the Befaco Rampage) to add subharmonics to a signal and i've been having a good time with it.
Patch notes (summarised)
Here i'm running a simple 3 step pitch sequence into a VCO, which is then sent to both trigger inputs for each function generator on the Rampage. Separate pitch sequences are run to the Rise CV input on both, creating subharmonics. The output signals are then mixed. and put thru the Make Noise QPAS low-pass filter. I also take the band-pass filter output from QPAS and run it thru the Serpens Sirius distortion/lopass filter and into the resonator of Mutable Instruments Elements, giving it the throaty timbre and a bit of ambience.
There's quite a lot of modulation going on and a few other minor things, but that's the main gist of it. Hope you enjoy :)