Patch Notes:
-Channel 3 of Pons (audio rate triangle LFO), going to channel 2 input of ModDemix.
-Channel 4 of Pons (medium rate LFO) is going thru a Mult with one output triggering the Switch, the other going to Input 1 on the Switch.
-Channel 2 of Pons (slow LFO) is going thru a Mult with outputs going to Switch inputs 2 and 4.
-Channel 1 of Pons is going to channel 1 input on the ModDemix.
-The output of Moddemix channel one is going to the CV rate input of Channel 3 on Pons. - (modulating pitch of the make-do oscilllator)
- The Output of the Switch is going to a Mult with one output going to the CV rate input of Channel 1 on Pons, the other to Channel 2 CV input on ModDemix
-The Summed output of ModDemix goes to Input 3 on the Switch.
-Channel 2 of ModDemix is my audio out.