5:44 - VC performance report: Andreessen Horowitz lags Sequoia, Benchmark, and Founders Fund
11:30 - EFF to Court: Government Must Inform People That It’s Accessing Their Emails, Personal Data
16:54 - Baidu Open-Sources Its Deep Learning Platform: PaddlePaddle
21:35 - Sonos is finally opening its great speakers to Spotify's app
Sonos is bringing Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant tech to its connected speakers
Speed Round:
30:44 - Readability, Dead Pool
33:04 - Google Kills Project Ara, Its Plan To Build Phones Like Lego
35: 38 - SpaceX explosion takes out Facebook's multi-million dollar satellite
38:30 - Six futuristic phone designs
Tips of the Week:
42:00 - Blank Windows
42:50 - Graphic Designers: Cheat Sheets That Simplify Design Elements, Print Terms, More
44:55 - Dropbox to stop public html view
46:07 - Ebooks free for learning Data Science