We've been playing our way through every Ace Attorney game with an Actual Lawyer, and Capcom has blessed us with a remaster of the Miles Edgeworth Investigations Collection, an Ace Attorney Spin-off duology that puts players in the shoes of Miles Edgeworth himself! And being capcom creators allowed us to check out the game early and we're here to give some of our thoughts! Also, please look forward to some streams of this game in the near future as well! Enjoy Save Data Team's Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Preview!
Huge thanks to PanicPeng for the art of Zak as Apollo used in this video! Find more of their work at:
And use our Nexus.gg store to purchase the game on steam and send a portion of the proceeds to us (at no extra charge to you!):
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#savedatateam #aceattorney #milesedgeworthinvestigations