A short film by "The Suicide Saint" Damien Rose using imagery and subliminal messages to expose the vast corruption among corrupt elites and puppet politicians in the United States.
Former FBI director Ted Gunderson discusses a covert military operation in which children are kidnapped from socioeconomically disadvantaged areas and used for Satanic rituals and sex orgies by people in the government and the White House.
Original Music by:
Jack Lantern's Graveyard Gang
The Suicide Saint and Jack Lantern's Graveyard Gang are all licensed to Garden of Midnight Studios under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative Works United States License. A curse will be cast upon any violators of these terms. All images not directly created by Garden of Midnight Studios were used in accordance with the "fair use" law in the US. No videos on this channel are monetized or intended for anything other than information and entertainment.