In this video we'll have a look on the newest continent that was discovered. You would probably thinking that I'm talking about Greenland, but no. The 8th continent on our planeth is Zealandia, and it is trully special. Zealandia is located underneath New Zealand, east of Australia and 95% of its land is under the water.
But we'll talk more about this in the video, so make sure you don't miss it.
Feel free to write your opinion about this in the commnets.
Hope you'll enjoy the video!
A secret eighth continent was recently discovered. No, I’m not referring to Greenland which is part of North America, I’m referring to this land on the other side of the planet. When you look at this area, you will only see New Zealand, but in 1895, the geologists discovered that there is an entire new continent hiding bellow New Zealand and New Caledonia, these two being just the tops of a mountain range.
In 1990s, the satellite images confirmed that indeed there is a submerged continent. This new continent called Zealandia has 95% of its land under the water and is considered the smallest of the continents with a land area of just 4.9 million square kilometers which is half of the European continent.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
Music Info: Detective - AShamaluevMusic.
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