The Unswung Hero EP:
Apple Music:
Tracklist: -
I wanted to bring back the mixtape project to go with this new EP. The last one was the Sandalwood Nights mixtape which feels like ages ago (it was). Now I present to you The Unswung Hero Mixtape. It's just under an hour of all my own music. Tunes you know and love, tracks from the EP, and a lot of unreleased swingage (not a word but we'll allow it).
To go from avoiding playing my own tunes to making a full mix of them is a milestone for me if there ever was one. Putting it together and listening back has really put into perspective just how much I've done and how far I've come these past few years. Like, I really do have a sound, I am improving even if it's hard to tell, and all the hours spent huddled in front of a screen arranging rectangular shapes that represent various noises while avoiding social interactions have been worth it. Feelsgoodman.jpg
ANYWAY, enjoy ✌🏿
Wanna catch me live?
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Socials & Music:
#DrumandBass #USDNB #winslowxyz
winslow - THE UNSWUNG HERO MIXTAPE // Drum & Bass Mix