28 August 2010 – The Silent Film Star Sisters Show – (+David Manzo as the Director) San Pedro Square Theater SOLD OUT. The ArtemesiaBlack band was Sabine Heusler-Schick (Pearl & her sister), Kenny Schick on guitar and vocals, Rain Cruz on percussion, David Sierra on double bass, Mike Freitas on drums. This was such a fun show - during our grand entrance coming up the elevator (it was meant to be timed with lights and our MC's announcement) the elevator didn't open and went back down again. All the audience heard was wild laughter instead. A few minutes later we appeared and the show began.
The Story of actress Pearl and her twin sister. Pearl was a stage actress and when the talkies began her career was over because her talking voice was so terrible. One night, at a party, she fell off the roof of the hotel. She crawled for help but a tram, not seeing her in the darnk ran over her, killing her. Her manager appear just then, he quickly put her in the trunk before anyone could see and drove to her sister who was shy thing at home with her cat. Begging her to take Pearl's place and pretend she was her sister and get into the 'movie biz'. Her voice was lovely, she channeled her sister's vivacious personality and her career was long. She carried the urn of her sisters ashes with her in a handbag wherever she went and was buried with it when she died. She never even got a tombstone, the secret remains buried and I cannot even tell you her sister's name. She will only ever be remembered as Pearl.
#artemesiablack #b3pmusic #SanPedroSquareSanJose