Intellectually challenged athletes Sheuli Akther Sathi, Sadia Akther Urmi, and M Abdul Kader Soron, otherwise perceived as so-called ‘nation’s liability,’ have become nation’s pride instead as they won national sports awards for their laurels at the Special Olympics competitions. The three athletes received their awards on May 11 this year when the ministry of youth and sports handed over awards to 85 sports personalities, including players and organisers, for the years 2013 through 2020. Sathi received the national sports award for 2015 while Urmi for 2019 and Soron for 2020. Shuttler and bocce player Sathi, paddler, bocce and floor hockey player Urmi, and shuttler Soron bagged a total of 24 gold, five silver, and two bronze medals in their international stage sporting careers. But their journey towards this success hasn’t been easy, as each of them had to tackle numerous challenges due to their personal circumstances and social negligence.