Second Nature - Second Nature

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Zones Quest
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meet me at the Einstein-Rosen bridge...
this strange contrivance is called "Second Nature". and the band? well, they're called "Second Nature", too. makes things easy doesn't it?
needless to say, they're a pleonasm of musical pedigree, comprising the ever-roamin' uber-bassist, Bill Laswell (seriously, how many bloody albums has this guy played on?!), the assiduous artificer of ambient soundworlds that legitimately expand the mind, Tetsu Inoue, and the madcap machinist who's worn as many genre-hats as you've worn pairs of underwear, Uwe Schmidt - perhaps better known as Atom Heart, Atom™... or one of the 9999 other names he uses!
all music by Bill Laswell, Tetsu Inoue & Uwe Schmidt

00:00 Synthetic Forest
28:41 Green Paste
45:39 Artificial Seaside
01:02:09 Landing Cycle

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Second Nature - Second Nature - RusLar.Me