1. How to draw lewis structures of organic compounds
2. Identifying functional groups - alkanes, alkenes, & alkynes
3. Formal charge calculations
4. Resonance structures
5. Basic IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes
Full-Length Math & Science Videos:
Organic Chemistry - Basic Introduction:
Which Bond Is More Polar?
How To Draw Lewis Structures:
Condensed Structures to Skeletal Structures:
Functional Groups Review:
Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Functional Groups:
How To Calculate Formal Charge:
Finding Lone Pairs Using Formal Charge:
Dipole Moment & Electronegativity:
Predicting Bond Angles:
Valence Bond Theory:
Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals:
Bond Strength and Bond Length:
Orbital Overlap and Bond Length:
Organic Chemistry PDF Worksheets:
Organic Chemistry Exam 1 Playlist: