"Here's the Postal Troika Rushing" - Leonid Kharitonov (1987)

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Leonid Kharitonov (Леонид Харитонов)
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The Russian operatic and chamber singer Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov (bass baritone) performs the Russian folk song "Here's the Postal Troika Rushing" accompanied by the Osipov Orchestra of the Russian Folk Instruments, the conductor is Nikolay Kalinin.

This is the clip from the musical TV-show of the artist "Russian Song, Romance, Waltz", the Central Television of the USSR, 1987.

Short description of the song:
Winter. The mail troika is rushing along the frozen Volga river. The coachman, a young guy is humming some sad tune shaking his head. Then a friendly passenger asked him , why he looked so sad. And the coachman tells him his life story. He told him that he had been fallen in love for already a year. But the village headman, the infidel Tatar, scolded him all the time about it. Very soon Christmastide would come and his beloved should marry another man, rich and hateful one... And that she would never see again those beautiful days they had... The coachman told the story, stopped his troika and gave a deep sorrowful sigh...

This video was restored, digitally remastered and upscaled by our channel.

This song is from this concert here -


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Here's the postal troika rushing
Along the Volga river in winter.
The coachman is humming some sad tune
And shaking his head.

"What are you thinking of, young lad?" -
A friendly passenger asked him,
"What torments your heart?
Tell me, who made you so sad?"

"Oh, dear sir, my good sir!
It's been a year since I fell in love.
But the village Tatar headman
Scolds me for it, and I have to endure it!

Oh, good sir, Christmastide will come soon
But she will never be mine again!
A rich and hateful one took her away from me,
So she'll never see the beautiful days again."

The coachman finished his story
And put away his harness whip.
"Hey, restless horses, stop!" -
He said and gave a sorrowful sigh...


Вот мчится тройка почтовая
По Волге-матушке зимой.
Ямщик, уныло напевая,
Качает буйной головой.

«О чем задумался, детина?» -
Седок приветливо спросил, -
«Какая на сердце кручина?
Скажи, тебя кто огорчил?»

«Ах, милый барин, добрый барин!
Вот скоро год, как я люблю.
А нехристь староста-татарин
Меня журит, а я терплю.

Ах, милый барин, скоро святки,
А ей не быть уже моей;
Богатый выбрал, да постылый,
Ей не видать отрадных дней».

Ямщик умолк и кнут ременный
С голицей за пояс заткнул.
«Родные... Стой, неугомонные!» -
Сказал, сам горестно вздохнул...


Vot mchitsya troika pochtovaya
Po Volge-matushke zimoi.
Yamschik, unylo napevaya,
Kachaet buinoi golovoi.

«O chem zadumalsya, detina? -
Sedok privetlivo sprosil: -
Kakaya na serdce kruchina?
Skaji, tebya kto ogorchil?»

«Ah, milyi barin, dobryi barin!
Vot skoro god, kak ya lyublyu.
A nehrist' starosta-tatarin
Menya jurit, a ya terplyu.

Ah, milyi barin, skoro svyatki,
A ei ne byt' uje moei;
Bogatyi vybral, da postylyi,
Ei ne vidat' otradnyh dnei».

Yamschik umolk i knut remennyi
S golicei za poyas zatknul.
«Rodnye... Stoi, neugomonnye!» -
Skazal, sam gorestno vzdohnul.

#LeonidKharitonov #OsipovOrchestra #russiansongs #folksongs

This is the official video channel of the Russian operatic singer Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov (bass-baritone). Please, see "About" section for more info.
Official web site of the artist -

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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  'Here's the Postal Troika Rushing' - Leonid Kharitonov (1987) - RusLar.Me