All Video footage is the sole property of the Photographers.
Winter Scotland - Film by John Johnston.
Winter in the Highlands. A Film by Jamie MacPherson
The beautiful Photography captured by John Johnston and Jamie McPherson is truly beautiful and deserves to be seen. The Photographers who go out and capture such beauty are true artists, they use the natural world as their canvas, and it is through their eyes that they show to us how beautiful the world truly is. I absolutely love Aerial Photography and Timelapses, if I were not making music that is how I myself would like to spend my time.
My Channel is not monetized I in no way seek to profit off of the work of others. My only intent is to highlight beautiful Photography and add my own musical compositions in the hope of giving moments of relaxation, musical therapy to those that seek relaxation. If the use of your work is a problem, please get in touch and I will remove it immediately.