In this performance, I’m using a blend of analog synths, piano, and Maschine Plus to craft evolving soundscapes without the aid of a DAW. This is pure, unfiltered music-making, showcasing the beauty of live improvisation and hands-on control.
📀 **Own a piece of this analog journey**: Get the original recording tapes on Bandcamp, and explore my entire discography—over 35 albums—for just $32 (90% OFF).
🔗 **Listen to "JUPITER" on Bandcamp**:
Thank you for joining me on this analog adventure. Your support keeps this journey alive and thriving.
With gratitude and joy,
Caught In Joy
#Dawless #AnalogSynths #PianoPerformance #MaschinePlus #LiveRecording #ImprovisedMusic #JUPITERTrack #CaughtInJoy #JupiterAlbum #TapeRecording #AmbientMusic #SynthMusic #MusicProduction #AnalogRecording #BandcampDeals