Best Plunge Pool & Swim Spa cleaner Robotic Vacuum Robot Hayward Aquavac Cordless cleaner
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Best Plunge Pool & Swim Spa cleaner Robotic Vacuum Robot Hayward Aquavac Cordless cleaner
2, 641 | 2 год. назад | 6 - 0
We now have many Plunge Pools and Swim Spas in Australia.
This little Cordless Robotic cleaner is the best cordless I have found to keep them clean.
To Buy at a Good price Contact Mark here: PoolnSpa Supplies Australia
If you have a Plunge pool and don't mind the cord or don't want the hassle of recharging then I recommend the New Dolphin e10 Cleaner. See my review and info here:
To buy in Australia (240v) Mark is now running PoolnSpa Supplies Australia
So for Good advice and replacement options contact
to purchase New Dolphin in USA 110v:
To purchase Hayward Tigershark in the USA 110v:
A viewer told me I needed to add a link so people could buy me a Beer or Coffee when they are so helped, especially financially by my videos, so here it is Thanks 😃: my review and info here:
Affiliate Links USA
Cordless Robot:
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