A BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger?!

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A BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger?!

A BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger?! We took delivery of a BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger MT743 today that AGCO and Ziegler Ag Equipment sent us!! We will be demoing the tractor throughout harvest and you will get to see a lot of it over the next few weeks! We also emptied the bottom of a grain bin and did some harvest preparation. A HUGE thank you to AGCO and Ziegler for sponsoring this video and providing us with this opportunity!! ► Learn more about the MT700 series here http://www.challenger-ag.us/products/tractors/mt700-series-track-tractors.html MN Millennial Farmer, Zach Johnson, is a 5th generation family farmer from West-Central Minnesota. Zach actively promotes agriculture by sharing his day-to-day experience on the family farm. His vision is to build the connection between farmers and consumers. Zach's mission is to become a national voice for agriculture, provide farmer-to-farmer education, and facilitate a collaborative conversation between farmers and the public. ► Subscribe to our channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp0r... ► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Twitter https://twitter.com/farmmillennial ► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Snapchat https://www.snapchat.com/add/millenni... ► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mnmillennia... ► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MNMILLENNIAL... ► Book MN Millennial Farmer to speak at your next event mnmillennialfarmer@gmail.com ►Order Merchandise here: https://www.mnmillennialfarmer.com/ ►Get my sunglasses (and other cool stuff) here: https://www.amazon.com/ideas/amzn1.ac... Watch more Videos like this: ►WATCH IT NOW: We bought a Bush Hog-BIG things coming up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss6PD... ►WATCH IT NOW: Moving Equipment Before the Blizzard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYLRu... ►WATCH IT NOW: Little Farm Kid Drives Big John Deere Tractor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPEwJ... ► Cinematography-White Cloud Drones https://www.whiteclouddrones.com/ ► Editor Becky Johnson
758, 408   |   6 год. назад  |   11, 455 - 0

A BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger?!

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A BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger?!

We took delivery of a BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger MT743 today that AGCO and Ziegler Ag Equipment sent us!! We will be demoing the tractor throughout harvest and you will get to see a lot of it over the next few weeks! We also emptied the bottom of a grain bin and did some harvest preparation.

A HUGE thank you to AGCO and Ziegler for sponsoring this video and providing us with this opportunity!!

► Learn more about the MT700 series here

MN Millennial Farmer, Zach Johnson, is a 5th generation family farmer from West-Central Minnesota. Zach actively promotes agriculture by sharing his day-to-day experience on the family farm. His vision is to build the connection between farmers and consumers.
Zach's mission is to become a national voice for agriculture, provide farmer-to-farmer education, and facilitate a collaborative conversation between farmers and the public.

► Subscribe to our channel
► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Twitter

► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Snapchat
► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Instagram
► Follow MN Millennial Farmer on Facebook
► Book MN Millennial Farmer to speak at your next event

►Order Merchandise here:

►Get my sunglasses (and other cool stuff) here:

Watch more Videos like this:
►WATCH IT NOW: We bought a Bush Hog-BIG things coming up!
►WATCH IT NOW: Moving Equipment Before the Blizzard
►WATCH IT NOW: Little Farm Kid Drives Big John Deere Tractor!

► Cinematography-White Cloud Drones

► Editor
Becky Johnson

A BRAND NEW AGCO Challenger?!

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