ROYAL: The death of King George VI (1952)

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ROYAL: The death of King George VI (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Biography of the life of King George VI as England mourns his passing Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Passing of a Great Monarch ENGLAND: London: Various: EXT ATTLEE CLEMENT. P.M. Leaves No. 10 Downing Street, on news of death of King George VI for special meeting BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Crowds wait silently outside Palace on news of King's death Read papers telling news.. blinds drawn in Palace windows. Standard flown at half mast CHURCHILL WINSTON P.M. Leaves No 10 Downing Street, gets into car and leaves for special meeting on death of King George VI CROWDS. Silent crowds watch blinds being drawn at Palace on news o passing of King George VI. wait in Downing Street as Mr Churchill and Attlee lee for special meeting.. men take off hats etc C.U.s etc DEATH People read newspaper headlines of King George VI death. Watch outside Palace, as blinds are drawn, C.U. Faces, mend off hats, flag half mast at palace and at foreign Embassies DOWNING STREET. Crowds in Downing street on news of passing of King George VI..Atlee leaves, Churchill leaves number 10 gets in car and drives off PRINCESS ELIZABETH. DEATH OF KING GEORGE THE SIXTH.. lib story of his life, She now becomes successor onto the throne, Elizabeth's Dedication on 21st birthday in S.Africa..Last shots of her w King when she and Duke leave for Australian Tour FLAGS. Flags at various Foreign Embassies in London flown at half mast on news of passing of King George VI.. Royal Standard taken to half mast at Palace roof GEORGE VI KING OF ENGLAND. DEATH OF KING GEORGE THE SIXTH..people wait outside Palace blinds drawn, flags at half mast.. Lib Story of his life. George V Funeral, Coronation, With Family, tours of Paris, Canada, U.S. Roosevelt, War in France, Blitz, Palace bombed, N. Africa Monty, V-Day, V-Parade w Churchill, S.Africa w Smuts, Elizabeth Dedication, Duke and Elizabeth leave for start of Aussie Tour. NEWSPAPERS. People read headline of Death of King George VI NEWSREELS. People read paperheadlines relating of Death of King George VI George VI of Great Britain; Royalty Parliament, Duke of York, funeral, death, dying, coronation, pagentry of coronation, obituary, memorium, honour, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth II Background: Biography of the life of King George VI as England mourns his passing FILM ID: VLVACSCOEE55EIVI1I6OWV98PYGM5 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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ROYAL: The death of King George VI (1952)

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Biography of the life of King George VI as England mourns his passing

Full Description:

SLATE INFORMATION: The Passing of a Great Monarch

ENGLAND: London: Various:

ATTLEE CLEMENT. P.M. Leaves No. 10 Downing Street, on news of death of King George VI for special meeting

BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Crowds wait silently outside Palace on news of King's death Read papers telling news.. blinds drawn in Palace windows. Standard flown at half mast

CHURCHILL WINSTON P.M. Leaves No 10 Downing Street, gets into car and leaves for special meeting on death of King George VI

CROWDS. Silent crowds watch blinds being drawn at Palace on news o passing of King George VI. wait in Downing Street as Mr Churchill and Attlee lee for special meeting.. men take off hats etc C.U.s etc

DEATH People read newspaper headlines of King George VI death. Watch outside Palace, as blinds are drawn, C.U. Faces, mend off hats, flag half mast at palace and at foreign Embassies

DOWNING STREET. Crowds in Downing street on news of passing of King George VI..Atlee leaves, Churchill leaves number 10 gets in car and drives off

PRINCESS ELIZABETH. DEATH OF KING GEORGE THE SIXTH.. lib story of his life, She now becomes successor onto the throne, Elizabeth's Dedication on 21st birthday in S.Africa..Last shots of her w King when she and Duke leave for Australian Tour

FLAGS. Flags at various Foreign Embassies in London flown at half mast on news of passing of King George VI.. Royal Standard taken to half mast at Palace roof

GEORGE VI KING OF ENGLAND. DEATH OF KING GEORGE THE SIXTH..people wait outside Palace blinds drawn, flags at half mast.. Lib Story of his life. George V Funeral, Coronation, With Family, tours of Paris, Canada, U.S. Roosevelt, War in France, Blitz, Palace bombed, N. Africa Monty, V-Day, V-Parade w Churchill, S.Africa w Smuts, Elizabeth Dedication, Duke and Elizabeth leave for start of Aussie Tour.

NEWSPAPERS. People read headline of Death of King George VI

NEWSREELS. People read paperheadlines relating of Death of King George VI

George VI of Great Britain; Royalty

Parliament, Duke of York, funeral, death, dying, coronation, pagentry of coronation, obituary, memorium, honour, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth II
Background: Biography of the life of King George VI as England mourns his passing

To license this film, visit

Archive: Reuters
Archive managed by: British Pathé

ROYAL: The death of King George VI (1952)

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