Transistor Amplifiers - Class A, AB, B, & C Circuits

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Transistor Amplifiers - Class A, AB, B, & C Circuits

This electronics video tutorial provides a basic introduction into the Class A, AB, B, and C transistor amplifiers. The class A amplifier is the common emitter amplifier which uses a single NPN transistor. The Class B amplifier using two complementary NPN and PNP transistors and yields a higher amplifier efficiency. The Class AB amplifier uses two diodes to eliminate the crossover distortion that's present in the Class B amplifier. The Class C amplifier is a tuned amplifier with a high efficiency but with extensive distortion. Transistors - NPN & PNP: BJT Transistors - Electronic Switches: Night Activated LDR Sensor Circuit: Finding The DC Load Line & Q-Point: Voltage Divider Bias Circuit: Collector Feedback Bias Circuit: __________________________________ Emitter Feedback Bias Circuit: Common Emitter Amplifier: Common Collector & Base Amplifier: Darlington Pair & Beta Current Gain: Voltage Gain of Transistor Amplifier: _________________________________ Multistage Transistor Amplifier Circuit: Transistor Audio Mixer Circuit: Operational Amplifiers: Summing Amplifiers: LM386 Audio Amplifier: LC Oscillator Tank Circuit: _______________________________ Final Exams and Video Playlists: Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
273, 573   |   5 год. назад  |   4, 404 - 0

Transistor Amplifiers - Class A, AB, B, & C Circuits

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This electronics video tutorial provides a basic introduction into the Class A, AB, B, and C transistor amplifiers. The class A amplifier is the common emitter amplifier which uses a single NPN transistor. The Class B amplifier using two complementary NPN and PNP transistors and yields a higher amplifier efficiency. The Class AB amplifier uses two diodes to eliminate the crossover distortion that's present in the Class B amplifier. The Class C amplifier is a tuned amplifier with a high efficiency but with extensive distortion.

Transistors - NPN & PNP:

BJT Transistors - Electronic Switches:

Night Activated LDR Sensor Circuit:

Finding The DC Load Line & Q-Point:

Voltage Divider Bias Circuit:

Collector Feedback Bias Circuit:

Emitter Feedback Bias Circuit:

Common Emitter Amplifier:

Common Collector & Base Amplifier:

Darlington Pair & Beta Current Gain:

Voltage Gain of Transistor Amplifier:

Multistage Transistor Amplifier Circuit:

Transistor Audio Mixer Circuit:

Operational Amplifiers:

Summing Amplifiers:

LM386 Audio Amplifier:

LC Oscillator Tank Circuit:

Final Exams and Video Playlists:

Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:

Transistor Amplifiers - Class A, AB, B, & C Circuits

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