Aunt Jemima

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Aunt Jemima

Aunt Jemima was an American brand name used from 1889 to 2021 for pancake mix, syrup, and other breakfast food products. The original version of the pancake mix for the brand was developed in 1888–1889 by the Pearl Milling Company and was advertised as the first ready-mix cooking product. In June 2021, the Aunt Jemima brand name was discontinued by its current owner, PepsiCo, with all products rebranded to Pearl Milling Company, the name of the company that produced the original pancake mix product. Nancy Green portrayed the Aunt Jemima character at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, one of the first Black corporate models in the United States. Subsequent advertising agencies hired dozens of actors to perform the role as the first organized sales promotion campaign.
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Aunt Jemima

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Aunt Jemima was an American brand name used from 1889 to 2021 for pancake mix, syrup, and other breakfast food products. The original version of the pancake mix for the brand was developed in 1888–1889 by the Pearl Milling Company and was advertised as the first ready-mix cooking product.

In June 2021, the Aunt Jemima brand name was discontinued by its current owner, PepsiCo, with all products rebranded to Pearl Milling Company, the name of the company that produced the original pancake mix product.

Nancy Green portrayed the Aunt Jemima character at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, one of the first Black corporate models in the United States. Subsequent advertising agencies hired dozens of actors to perform the role as the first organized sales promotion campaign.

Aunt Jemima

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