The Secret Ways The Oil Industry Brainwashes You | Smog + Mirrors

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The Secret Ways The Oil Industry Brainwashes You | Smog + Mirrors

Energy companies have secretly begun to infiltrate governments, courts and banks to ensure that society will always be powerless to stop the oil. A highly paid network of politicians, lobbyists and investors are conspiring from the shadows to block climate action, sacrificing humanity itself for short term profit. These people are the biggest threat to our planet right now and they’re winning. Under the cover of anonymity, four whistleblowers have agreed to reveal to us how these dark arts work, and how they’ve changed the fabric of reality itself in order to keep selling us fossil fuels. #Climatecrisis #Vicenews #Earthday Click here to subscribe to VICE: Watch Next: Make the World Greta Again Gen Z’s War on Climate Change How I Trafficked Animals Illegally Welcome to VICE: Enlightening commentary, authoritative advice, and unique stories you won't find anywhere else. Our immersive and ground-breaking storytelling has changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don't even have names yet. Browse the library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Connect with VICE: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: More videos from the VICE network: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: The VICE YouTube Network: VICE: MUNCHIES: VICE News: VICE TV: Noisey: Motherboard: VICE Sports: i-D: Waypoint:
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The Secret Ways The Oil Industry Brainwashes You | Smog + Mirrors

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Energy companies have secretly begun to infiltrate governments, courts and banks to ensure that society will always be powerless to stop the oil.

A highly paid network of politicians, lobbyists and investors are conspiring from the shadows to block climate action, sacrificing humanity itself for short term profit. These people are the biggest threat to our planet right now and they’re winning.

Under the cover of anonymity, four whistleblowers have agreed to reveal to us how these dark arts work, and how they’ve changed the fabric of reality itself in order to keep selling us fossil fuels.

#Climatecrisis #Vicenews #Earthday

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Watch Next:

Make the World Greta Again

Gen Z’s War on Climate Change

How I Trafficked Animals Illegally

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The Secret Ways The Oil Industry Brainwashes You | Smog + Mirrors

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