Drink These To Lower High BP and Support Heart Health | 3 Healthy Drinks
Today, I'm sharing 3 healthy drink recipes you can make at home to support heart health, and they may even help to lower high BP. The ingredients in these healthy drinks contain beneficial compounds that may help to naturally reduce BP and support your cardiovascular system. They also have loads of other health benefits! I've linked some studies and gone more in detail on the many health benefits over on the blog post. ► PRINT HEALTHY DRINKS HERE: https://feelinfabulouswithkayla.com/2023/04/10/natural-remedies-for-high-blood-pressure/ Disclaimer: Always consult with a doctor before beginning any new diet, supplement, or natural remedy, especially if you're pregnant, breast feeding, or are on prescription medication. ————————————————————————————————— FREE DOWNLOADS FROM KAYLA: ★ GET MY FREE 7-DAY DETOX → http://www.FeelinFabulousWithKayla.com/free-detox ★ Free Checklist: 25 Toxic Skincare Ingredients to Avoid at ALL Cost → http://www.FeelinFabulousWithKayla.com/free-resources ★ 11 Bulletproof Coffee Style Warm Drink Blends (Keto Friendly) → http://www.FeelinFabulousWithKayla.com/free-resources ★ Kayla’s AMAZON FAVORITES → https://www.amazon.com/shop/kaylachandler ————————————————————————————————— KAYLA’S MEAL PLANS & SUPPLEMENT PLANS: ★ 21-Day PALEO RESET Program (Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plans, Supplement Plan, 3-Day Sugar Detox, etc.) → http://www.FeelinFabulousWithKayla.com/21-Day-Program (avg. weight loss is 4-7 lbs in the 1st week) ★ Adrenal Fatigue Supplement Plan (for burnout, low energy, and anxiety) → http://www.FeelinFabulousWithKayla.com/Adrenal-Fatigue ————————————————————————————————— ★ ITEMS USED IN THIS VIDEO: Dried Hibiscus: https://amzn.to/3MhDguh Nut Milk Bag (for straining): https://amzn.to/43lMHPs Glass Bowl with Spout: https://rstyle.me/+dH0KkHJAN3_dvoON4RAsCA 8 oz To-Go Bottles (BPA Free): https://amzn.to/3KhdlQv Nama Slow Juicer: https://namawell.com/products/nama-j2-cold-press-juicer?ref=namau0026gclid=Cj0KCQjw27mhBhC9ARIsAIFsETHKs5poafR_yNdtAKdlO50PfsCXhRW482V9kZ-v1SpriOAFuS7H4NMaAstrEALw_wcB#product-page__pdp Vitamix Blender: https://amzn.to/3mbtAXw ★ ALWAYS IN MY KITCHEN: Oak Cutting Board: https://rstyle.me/+SHGkQAHsgLfnPBo2GAbzvg Speckled Pan: https://amzn.to/2KqijzC Matching Speckled Dutch Oven: https://amzn.to/3itcm1E Matching Speckled Saucepan: https://amzn.to/2LKVA1N My Blender: https://amzn.to/3oG0V9x (newest edition: https://amzn.to/35JvyCi) My Striped Apron: https://rstyle.me/cz-n/fu4ifgcd2kx —————————————————————————————— FOLLOW ME: ★ INSTAGRAM → http://www.instagram.com/kaylajchandler ★ FACEBOOK → http://www.facebook.com/kaylajchandler ★ PINTEREST → http://www.pinterest.com/kaylajchandler ★ TIKTOK → http://tiktok.com/@kaylajchandler —————————————————————————————— SAVE SOME $$$: ★ 15% Off Just Thrive Spore-Based Probiotics (KAYLA15): https://bit.ly/3brFuUA ★ 10% Off Primal Kitchen Products at https://www.primalkitchen.com → KAYLACHANDLER10 Affiliate Disclosure: If you purchase products through my affiliate links, I will receive a small affiliate commission, which helps me to keep this channel up and running. So, thanks in advance for your support. I appreciate it more than you know! —————————————————————————————— CONTACT ME: ★ For Business Inquiries & Testimonials → info@KaylaChandler.com —————————————————————————————— ABOUT ME: Hey there! I’m Kayla Chandler, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, with a passion to help others get healthier and feel better! I specialize in helping clients lose weight naturally, balance hormones, increase their energy levels, heal leaky gut, manage food allergies, and much more. My personal health journey started years ago after dealing with many health issues, including hormonal imbalances, cystic acne, low energy levels, nutritional deficiencies, a gluten allergy (aka Celiac), and much more. I was able to heal my body completely via holistic methods, and my goal is to help others do the same. —————————————————————————————— Music: Royalty Free Music by Epidemic Sound (https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tvav10/) Health Disclaimer: Statements made in this video are for informational & educational purposes only and are the opinion(s) of Kayla Chandler. This video is not sponsored. #healthydrinks #juicing #hibiscustea
Today, I'm sharing 3 healthy drink recipes you can make at home to support heart health, and they may even help to lower high BP. The ingredients in these healthy drinks contain beneficial compounds that may help to naturally reduce BP and support your cardiovascular system. They also have loads of other health benefits! I've linked some studies and gone more in detail on the many health benefits over on the blog post.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a doctor before beginning any new diet, supplement, or natural remedy, especially if you're pregnant, breast feeding, or are on prescription medication.
★ Free Checklist: 25 Toxic Skincare Ingredients to Avoid at ALL Cost →
★ 11 Bulletproof Coffee Style Warm Drink Blends (Keto Friendly) →
★ 21-Day PALEO RESET Program (Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plans, Supplement Plan, 3-Day Sugar Detox, etc.) → (avg. weight loss is 4-7 lbs in the 1st week)
★ Adrenal Fatigue Supplement Plan (for burnout, low energy, and anxiety) →
Dried Hibiscus:
Nut Milk Bag (for straining):
Glass Bowl with Spout:
8 oz To-Go Bottles (BPA Free):
Nama Slow Juicer:
Vitamix Blender:
Oak Cutting Board:
Speckled Pan:
Matching Speckled Dutch Oven:
Matching Speckled Saucepan:
My Blender: (newest edition: )
My Striped Apron:
★ 15% Off Just Thrive Spore-Based Probiotics (KAYLA15):
★ 10% Off Primal Kitchen Products at → KAYLACHANDLER10
Affiliate Disclosure: If you purchase products through my affiliate links, I will receive a small affiliate commission, which helps me to keep this channel up and running. So, thanks in advance for your support. I appreciate it more than you know!
★ For Business Inquiries & Testimonials → info@KaylaChandler.com
Hey there! I’m Kayla Chandler, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, with a passion to help others get healthier and feel better! I specialize in helping clients lose weight naturally, balance hormones, increase their energy levels, heal leaky gut, manage food allergies, and much more. My personal health journey started years ago after dealing with many health issues, including hormonal imbalances, cystic acne, low energy levels, nutritional deficiencies, a gluten allergy (aka Celiac), and much more. I was able to heal my body completely via holistic methods, and my goal is to help others do the same.
Royalty Free Music by Epidemic Sound ()
Health Disclaimer: Statements made in this video are for informational & educational purposes only and are the opinion(s) of Kayla Chandler.
This video is not sponsored.
#healthydrinks #juicing #hibiscustea
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