I Asked Every NFL Team for Autographs

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I Asked Every NFL Team for Autographs

The NFL is one of the most watched sports leagues in the world, and because of that, teams get lots of fan mail. But how likely is an NFL team to actually respond? After testing this with the NBA and the MLB and getting lots of responses, I got a ton of requests to do the same thing with the NFL. So today I'm contacting every football team in the NFL, including top teams like the Kansas City Chiefs, Baltimore Ravens, and Dallas Cowboys, and finding out who is most likely to respond. #nfl #football Check out Sportskeeda for all the latest breaking sports news: https://www.sportskeeda.com/?key2=4089932 Thanks for watching! Follow me on socials! IG: @phillip_ia https://www.instagram.com/phillip_ia/ Twitter: @phillip_ia https://twitter.com/phillip_ia TikTok: @phillip_ia2 https://www.tiktok.com/@phillip_ia2 Email: phillipa.contact@gmail.com
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I Asked Every NFL Team for Autographs

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The NFL is one of the most watched sports leagues in the world, and because of that, teams get lots of fan mail. But how likely is an NFL team to actually respond? After testing this with the NBA and the MLB and getting lots of responses, I got a ton of requests to do the same thing with the NFL. So today I'm contacting every football team in the NFL, including top teams like the Kansas City Chiefs, Baltimore Ravens, and Dallas Cowboys, and finding out who is most likely to respond. #nfl #football

Check out Sportskeeda for all the latest breaking sports news:

Thanks for watching!

Follow me on socials!

IG: @phillip_ia
Twitter: @phillip_ia
TikTok: @phillip_ia2
Email: phillipa.contact@gmail.com

I Asked Every NFL Team for Autographs

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