Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mural Project at Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mural Project at Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center 2400 Charleston Street Hollywood, FL 33020 *Mural Located on the East facing Building Entrance Wall. The Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Mural Project aims to bring a significant piece of history to life through art in the Liberia Community of Hollywood, FL. The artwork, designed by Fabio Onrack, was commissioned and approved by the City of Hollywood, FL City Commission on August 17, 2024. Using the iconic image of Dr. King delivering his icon “I have a Dream” speech, the mural features subtle colors and bold lines designed to captivate and engage viewers. This artwork serves as a powerful tool for education and reflection, encouraging the community to consider their own roles in creating a more just and equitable society. The project involved multiple artist proposals, community participation and input, and designs review and selection by the Liberia Civic Association. Artist Bio: Fabio Onrack, born in 1989 in São Paulo, Brazil, is a renowned muralist and visual artist currently based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of São Paulo and a Bachelor of Visual Arts from Camilo Castelo Branco University, where he won a fine art competition in 2011. Onrack has developed a prolific career, focusing on creating large-scale, vibrant murals that engage and inspire diverse communities. His extensive portfolio includes notable commissions across South Florida, such as the Hollywood Design Complex, North Miami CRA, and Bailey Contemporary Arts, as well as numerous projects in his native São Paulo. His work, characterized by bold colors and dynamic compositions, explores themes of justice, equality, and community, fostering a sense of connection among viewers and solidifying his reputation as a significant contemporary artist in the public art scene.
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mural Project at Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center
2400 Charleston Street Hollywood, FL 33020

*Mural Located on the East facing Building Entrance Wall.

The Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Mural Project aims to bring a significant piece of history to life through art in the Liberia Community of Hollywood, FL. The artwork, designed by Fabio Onrack, was commissioned and approved by the City of Hollywood, FL City Commission on August 17, 2024. Using the iconic image of Dr. King delivering his icon “I have a Dream” speech, the mural features subtle colors and bold lines designed to captivate and engage viewers. This artwork serves as a powerful tool for education and reflection, encouraging the community to consider their own roles in creating a more just and equitable society. The project involved multiple artist proposals, community participation and input, and designs review and selection by the Liberia Civic Association.

Artist Bio:

Fabio Onrack, born in 1989 in São Paulo, Brazil, is a renowned muralist and visual artist currently based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of São Paulo and a Bachelor of Visual Arts from Camilo Castelo Branco University, where he won a fine art competition in 2011. Onrack has developed a prolific career, focusing on creating large-scale, vibrant murals that engage and inspire diverse communities. His extensive portfolio includes notable commissions across South Florida, such as the Hollywood Design Complex, North Miami CRA, and Bailey Contemporary Arts, as well as numerous projects in his native São Paulo. His work, characterized by bold colors and dynamic compositions, explores themes of justice, equality, and community, fostering a sense of connection among viewers and solidifying his reputation as a significant contemporary artist in the public art scene.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mural Project at Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center

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