A Mountain of Problems to Solve | On Edge - Ep. 2

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A Mountain of Problems to Solve | On Edge - Ep. 2

📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe 🔔 Subscribe to @Olympics Figure Skating for more figure skating videos! ▶️ Watch more episodes of On Edge: https://oly.ch/OnEdge_EN It is 5 months until Beijing 2022 and as coach Romain Haguenauer puts it: “There is a mountain of problems to solve” technically, artistically and physically for the athletes to be ready. In this second episode of the weekly series On Edge, get an intimate look at how the coaching system at the Academy operates and what it takes to prep the athletes’ programs. Madison and Evan reveal their new routine theme and work on the costume design. Olivia and Adrian perform their new program in front of the coaches and training mates for the first time. Filmed in the last six months leading up to Beijing 2022, On Edge is the Olympic Channel’s first weekly ice dancing reality docuseries chronicling the day-to-day lives of six teams from five countries training at the Ice Academy of Montreal. Follow the personal and emotional journeys of the world’s best ice dancing teams, both on ice and off ice, as they train for the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022: https://oly.ch/OnEdge_EN _____________________________________________________ 🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays: https://oly.ch/B22Replays 🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays: https://oly.ch/T20Replays 🗞️ News from the Olympic world: https://oly.ch/News
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A Mountain of Problems to Solve | On Edge - Ep. 2

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🔔 Subscribe to @Olympics Figure Skating for more figure skating videos!
▶️ Watch more episodes of On Edge:

It is 5 months until Beijing 2022 and as coach Romain Haguenauer puts it: “There is a mountain of problems to solve” technically, artistically and physically for the athletes to be ready.

In this second episode of the weekly series On Edge, get an intimate look at how the coaching system at the Academy operates and what it takes to prep the athletes’ programs. Madison and Evan reveal their new routine theme and work on the costume design. Olivia and Adrian perform their new program in front of the coaches and training mates for the first time.
Filmed in the last six months leading up to Beijing 2022, On Edge is the Olympic Channel’s first weekly ice dancing reality docuseries chronicling the day-to-day lives of six teams from five countries training at the Ice Academy of Montreal.

Follow the personal and emotional journeys of the world’s best ice dancing teams, both on ice and off ice, as they train for the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022:
🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays:
🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays:
🗞️ News from the Olympic world:

A Mountain of Problems to Solve | On Edge - Ep. 2

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