Inspirational Go-Kart racers
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Inspirational Go-Kart racers
Cisco BHTV: Across the UK over 5,500 schools have signed up to the BLOODHOUND Education Programme, they have free access to curriculum ready resources and the support of the BLOODHOUND ambassadors. Wyche School in Worcestershire have been using BLOODHOUND in lots of their classes and at the end of last term they raced the go-karts they had designed and built. If you'd like to get your school involved, please visit:
9, 101 | 11 год. назад | 54 - 0
Cisco BHTV:
Across the UK over 5,500 schools have signed up to the BLOODHOUND Education Programme, they have free access to curriculum ready resources and the support of the BLOODHOUND ambassadors.
Wyche School in Worcestershire have been using BLOODHOUND in lots of their classes and at the end of last term they raced the go-karts they had designed and built. If you'd like to get your school involved, please visit:
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