Help me plan the next animation 2!!
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Help me plan the next animation 2!!
384, 941 | 11 год. назад | 4, 800 - 0
ANNOUNCEMENT: I will no longer be doing the MacBook scene. If anything, it will be in a separate mini-episode after the release of AVA4. It doesn't add to the storyline and fits very well as a story of its own. I would rather do a few things well than too many things rushed and half-heartedly. In other words, I want the MacBook scene to be as good as it possibly could be, and that won't be possible if it is a small section of AVA4.
I've counted the votes from the previous video:
Here are the results! And how I will work based on these results.
I also ask two new questions.
Also I announce my new YouTube Channel dedicated to Minecraft!!
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