♫ GatoPaint - Alien ( Audio Only )

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♫ GatoPaint - Alien ( Audio Only )

The only way I could describe this song, it's a storytelling type of song. It tells about this alien character that only feeds itself from emotions and from other bodies , something really close to the Symbiote concept from Marvel, if you could tell :) DOWNLOAD THIS SONG : https://gatopaint.bandcamp.com/track/alien-single you can also find this song on spotify , itunes and many many others :) Lyrics : broken hearts and many tears, set me back for years. I threw myself in the ground, to breakdown, desperate. just like the darkest light you decided to appear, waiting you to finally end for once this pain. oh, oh . Inside of me still grows. This creature out of this world This Symbiote on my skin, parasite out of control. if it gets inside my mind, I'll be out of the road. so keep it away from me keep it away from CHANGE ME. Is getting hard to understand what's going on with me, I threw myself inside my fears, slowly feeding it. around me it's black and white, any colors from the rest, by surprise I found my soul, FULLY ERASED. change me , change me. Inside of me still grows. This creature out of this world This Symbiote on my skin, parasite out of control. if it gets inside my mind, I'll be out of the road. so keep it away from me keep it away from CHANGE ME. How do I keep it away ? my body is barely holding me. how do I keep it away ? from me? Inside of me still grows. This creature out of this world This Symbiote on my skin, parasite out of control. gets inside my mind, I'll be out of the road. so keep it away from me keep it away from CHANGE ME.
14, 400   |   8 год. назад  |   416 - 0

♫ GatoPaint - Alien ( Audio Only )

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The only way I could describe this song, it's a storytelling type of song. It tells about this alien character that only feeds itself from emotions and from other bodies , something really close to the Symbiote concept from Marvel, if you could tell :)


you can also find this song on spotify , itunes and many many others :)

Lyrics :

broken hearts and many tears,
set me back for years.
I threw myself in the ground,
to breakdown, desperate.

just like the darkest light
you decided to appear,
waiting you to finally
end for once this pain.

oh, oh .

Inside of me still grows.
This creature out of this world
This Symbiote on my skin,
parasite out of control.

if it gets inside my mind,
I'll be out of the road.
so keep it away from me
keep it away from CHANGE ME.

Is getting hard to understand
what's going on with me,
I threw myself inside my fears,
slowly feeding it.

around me it's black and white,
any colors from the rest,
by surprise I found my soul,

change me , change me.

Inside of me still grows.
This creature out of this world
This Symbiote on my skin,
parasite out of control.

if it gets inside my mind,
I'll be out of the road.
so keep it away from me
keep it away from CHANGE ME.

How do I keep it away ?
my body is barely holding me.
how do I keep it away ?
from me?

Inside of me still grows.
This creature out of this world
This Symbiote on my skin,
parasite out of control.

gets inside my mind,
I'll be out of the road.
so keep it away from me
keep it away from CHANGE ME.

♫ GatoPaint - Alien ( Audio Only )

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