Дима Билан - Never Let You Go

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Дима Билан - Never Let You Go

Альбом 'Дотянись' на iTunes / New album on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/dotanis/id648258369 Never Let You Go Director - Gosha Toidze Operator - Vlad Opelyants The clip was made in Moscow in 2006. The song was included in the album Vremya-Reka (Time the River). This song was 2nd at the Eurovision Song Contest in Greece, 2006 Heavy clouds, no rain And every move causes pain Ready kiss, but no love I feel Im torn in half Ardent look, but no heat Its not you really need Baby, now it has happened with us We are dancing on broken glass Cant stand no more - Never, never let you go You are the one Im searching for Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone Loves carving it in the stone Never, never let you go Return the days we had before Soul of my soul, blood of my blood Loves carving it in my heart Gentle words, no aim It seems were playing a game Easy smile, but no fun Sweet music for no one Close embrace, but no more Cold Champagne we forgot to pour Baby now it has happened with us We are dancing on broken glass Cant stand no more - Never, never let you go You are the one Im searching for Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone Loves carving it in the stone Never, never let you go Return the days we had before Soul of my soul, blood of my blood Loves carving it in my heart
6, 078, 255   |   15 год. назад  |   32, 544 - 0

Дима Билан - Never Let You Go

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Альбом "Дотянись" на iTunes / New album on iTunes

Never Let You Go
Director - Gosha Toidze Operator - Vlad Opelyants
The clip was made in Moscow in 2006. The song was included in the album Vremya-Reka (Time the River).

This song was 2nd at the Eurovision Song Contest in Greece, 2006

Heavy clouds, no rain
And every move causes pain
Ready kiss, but no love
I feel Im torn in half
Ardent look, but no heat
Its not you really need
Baby, now it has happened with us
We are dancing on broken glass
Cant stand no more -

Never, never let you go
You are the one Im searching for
Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone
Loves carving it in the stone
Never, never let you go
Return the days we had before
Soul of my soul, blood of my blood
Loves carving it in my heart

Gentle words, no aim
It seems were playing a game
Easy smile, but no fun
Sweet music for no one
Close embrace, but no more
Cold Champagne we forgot to pour
Baby now it has happened with us
We are dancing on broken glass
Cant stand no more -

Never, never let you go
You are the one Im searching for
Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone
Loves carving it in the stone
Never, never let you go
Return the days we had before
Soul of my soul, blood of my blood
Loves carving it in my heart

Дима Билан - Never Let You Go

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