【DBGBH2023/DAY1】DRAGON BALL FighterZ World Tour 2022/2023 Finals TOP20

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【DBGBH2023/DAY1】DRAGON BALL FighterZ World Tour 2022/2023 Finals TOP20

Who will be crowned the World's Strongest?! The World Tour 2022/2023 Finals will determine a new champion in Las Vegas! Join fans from around the world in the ONLINE ARENA: https://dboa.bn-ent.net/en/ About DRAGON BALL Games Battle Hour DRAGON BALL Games Battle Hour is a celebration for WW Dragon Ball fans! The third Battle Hour will be held in Las Vegas! This is a chance for fans of Dragon Ball games to have a truly unforgettable experience! We're thrilled to have both the DRAGON BALL FighterZ and the DRAGON BALL SUPER CARD GAME championship finals as part of the event this year! In addition, DRAGON BALL Legends will hold a one-day-only Special Match tournament! ーーーーーーーーーー Official Site: https://dbgbh.bn-ent.net/en/ Online Arena: https://dboa.bn-ent.net/en/ Official Twitter: Twitter: https://twitter.com/db_eventpj #DRAGONBALL #DBGBH #DBFZWT #DBFZ
228, 837   |   2 год. назад  |   4, 422 - 0

【DBGBH2023/DAY1】DRAGON BALL FighterZ World Tour 2022/2023 Finals TOP20

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Who will be crowned the World's Strongest?! The World Tour 2022/2023 Finals will determine a new champion in Las Vegas! Join fans from around the world in the ONLINE ARENA:

About DRAGON BALL Games Battle Hour
DRAGON BALL Games Battle Hour is a celebration for WW Dragon Ball fans!
The third Battle Hour will be held in Las Vegas!
This is a chance for fans of Dragon Ball games to have a truly unforgettable experience!

We're thrilled to have both the DRAGON BALL FighterZ and the DRAGON BALL SUPER CARD GAME championship finals as part of the event this year! In addition, DRAGON BALL Legends will hold a one-day-only Special Match tournament!

Official Site:

Online Arena:

Official Twitter:


【DBGBH2023/DAY1】DRAGON BALL FighterZ World Tour 2022/2023 Finals TOP20

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