The Wraith Within - Official Trailer

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The Wraith Within - Official Trailer

Release Date: 02/21/2023 Directed by: Aaron Strey Starring: Allison Hawkstone, Shane Christopher, Brian Hodges Ally Kathryn, Michael Madsen, Zara Majidpour, Gabe Aronson, Shea Herring, Jonathan Joss, Chris Hahn, Trey Davis, Arvind Vashisht, Joy Leigh, Jaxsen Luke Dill, Alex Szabo Synopsis: When a group of friends return to their home town for a high school reunion, a tragic curse of the town's history emerges to terrorize them after horrifying revelations put all of their lives in peril for a shocking night they may not all survive. About Us: Gravitas Ventures is a worldwide film distributor & collaborator with thousands of independent artists. Past films include: Mack & Rita, The King's Daughter, The Secret: Dare to Dream, Our Friend, Queen Bees, Vanguard, Shortcut, The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, Finding Kendrick Johnson, Looks That Kill, Sound City, Armstrong, Above The Shadows, The River and the Wall, and many more.
60, 450   |   2 год. назад  |   65 - 0

The Wraith Within - Official Trailer

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Release Date: 02/21/2023

Directed by: Aaron Strey

Starring: Allison Hawkstone, Shane Christopher, Brian Hodges Ally Kathryn, Michael Madsen, Zara Majidpour, Gabe Aronson, Shea Herring, Jonathan Joss, Chris Hahn, Trey Davis, Arvind Vashisht, Joy Leigh, Jaxsen Luke Dill, Alex Szabo

Synopsis: When a group of friends return to their home town for a high school reunion, a tragic curse of the town's history emerges to terrorize them after horrifying revelations put all of their lives in peril for a shocking night they may not all survive.

About Us: Gravitas Ventures is a worldwide film distributor & collaborator with thousands of independent artists. Past films include: Mack & Rita, The King's Daughter, The Secret: Dare to Dream, Our Friend, Queen Bees, Vanguard, Shortcut, The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, Finding Kendrick Johnson, Looks That Kill, Sound City, Armstrong, Above The Shadows, The River and the Wall, and many more.

The Wraith Within - Official Trailer

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