McNaught Performance Race Night @ Red River Co-op Speedway (September 12th, 2020)

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McNaught Performance Race Night @ Red River Co-op Speedway (September 12th, 2020)

Highlight reel from McNaught Performance Race Night at the Red River Co-op Speedway in Winnipeg, Manitoba on September 12th, 2020. Featured racers include Frank Veert, Paul Veert and Mike Balcaen. McNaught Performance is a proud sponsor of the Red River Co-op Speedway 2020 race season. Whether you're looking for a crate motor for a race car, a lift kit for your truck, or new tires for your car, McNaught Performance Accessories guarantees the best pricing and the best service! Subscribe for more racing videos! Filmed and edited by: - Riley Choptuik - Nigel Klassen Song: 'Sleeping on the Blacktop' by Colter Wall Visit us online or in store! 1717 Waverley Street (at Bishop Grandin) Winnipeg, MB
885   |   4 год. назад  |   9 - 0

McNaught Performance Race Night @ Red River Co-op Speedway (September 12th, 2020)

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Highlight reel from McNaught Performance Race Night at the Red River Co-op Speedway in Winnipeg, Manitoba on September 12th, 2020. Featured racers include Frank Veert, Paul Veert and Mike Balcaen.

McNaught Performance is a proud sponsor of the Red River Co-op Speedway 2020 race season. Whether you're looking for a crate motor for a race car, a lift kit for your truck, or new tires for your car, McNaught Performance Accessories guarantees the best pricing and the best service! Subscribe for more racing videos!

Filmed and edited by:
- Riley Choptuik
- Nigel Klassen

Song: "Sleeping on the Blacktop" by Colter Wall

Visit us online or in store!
1717 Waverley Street (at Bishop Grandin)
Winnipeg, MB

McNaught Performance Race Night @ Red River Co-op Speedway (September 12th, 2020)

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