Why is the PASS RATE so LOW at Yeading test centre?

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Why is the PASS RATE so LOW at Yeading test centre?

Savannah's test is coming up and it's booked at the Yeading test centre in west London. The pass rate at this particular test centre is lower than the surrounding centres. The main reason the pass rate is so low is because the test centre is very close to willow tree roundabout (as soon as you leave the test centre, you will have to go through this roundabout) SO today's lesson is all about how to take the various exits as soon as you leave the test centre, as nerves will be high! Be sure to check out Savannah's socials below 👇❤️ www.youtube.com/channel/savannahgraceycomedy www.instagram.com/savannahgraceycomedy Here are some useful links! Get 20% off RRP on Road Angel DASH CAM www.roadangelgroup.com/discount/CLEARVIEW20 Driving test success theory app 🌟✅ https://referrals.drivingtestsuccess.com/r/Aman Practical clips 🚗 https://referrals.drivingtestsuccess.com/r/Aman/iap/10730 Thank you all for your continued support ❤️ Follow me my other social media accounts: https://linktr.ee/Clearviewdriving How to drive safely. How to pass: This video is filmed during a driving lesson. It is filmed for educational purposes. Throughout the video there are highlights to show how you should be driving safely. I hope this video will be useful! :) #driving #lesson #howtodrive #practical #test #hazards #roundabouts #London #drivinginstructor #pass #drivingtips #femaleinstructor #learn #dualcarriageway
33, 053   |   2 мес. назад  |   826 - 0

Why is the PASS RATE so LOW at Yeading test centre?

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Savannah's test is coming up and it's booked at the Yeading test centre in west London. The pass rate at this particular test centre is lower than the surrounding centres.
The main reason the pass rate is so low is because the test centre is very close to willow tree roundabout (as soon as you leave the test centre, you will have to go through this roundabout)

SO today's lesson is all about how to take the various exits as soon as you leave the test centre, as nerves will be high!

Be sure to check out Savannah's socials below 👇❤️

Here are some useful links!
Get 20% off RRP on Road Angel DASH CAM

Driving test success theory app 🌟✅

Practical clips 🚗

Thank you all for your continued support ❤️
Follow me my other social media accounts:

How to drive safely. How to pass:
This video is filmed during a driving lesson. It is filmed for educational purposes.

Throughout the video there are highlights to show how you should be driving safely.

I hope this video will be useful! :)

#driving #lesson #howtodrive #practical #test
#hazards #roundabouts #London #drivinginstructor
#pass #drivingtips #femaleinstructor
#learn #dualcarriageway

Why is the PASS RATE so LOW at Yeading test centre?

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